Meeting Today!

19 08 2009

Yes there will be a muffinsaresex meeting today dudes! Stay tuned for some good skits coming your way.

Tooth and a Half Production Journal Has Been Released ALSO a New Video Comes Out This Week!

5 08 2009

We’ve just released a production journal for our short film coming up titled, Tooth and a Half.

And for all of you who are asking, yes, we’ve changed the original title, Mr. Treborn, to Tooth and a half. I like it better, don’t you?

You can check out the journal by either clicking on the tab on our website, or by typing in (man we really need to get our own website don’t we?).

Have you guys also noticed that we’ve expanded our horizons to facebook? We’ll be adding our old videos to the social network so you guys should add us as a friend! Add us by clicking here.


a new video is going to come out this week, so keep your eyes peeled dudes! This one involves a bear! WHOA!

Hair Fungus

4 08 2009

Take a shower everyday kids.

Mr. Treborn Script and Storyboard Finished

2 08 2009

The script for Mr. Treborn has been finished, along with the storyboard. I will be posting the a preview of the script along with the storyboard either this week or next week, depending on what will happen during the short films meeting.

The next step in our process is to gather a budget together. Since we’re shooting on Super 8 this project will have a minimum of at least $300 that we will need to raise just for film and processing alone.

Actors and actresses might be needed, however we’re not sure yet. More information will be coming your way this week!

Keep in touch dudes!


New Video Coming Out This Week

30 07 2009

The crew drove over to CSUSM to shoot some shorts in their classrooms. Whether it’s illegal or not, we still did it.

The short film that we were going to do for the short film competition is still happening, except we’re not going to be entering the competition. The script is almost done, and the storyboard is in its process as well. Since we’re going to be shooting on super 8, we have to make sure that we get it right the first time around because film is very expensive, and each roll only has about 2.5 minutes of footage.

Once the script and storyboard is done, we can begin our meetings for the short and get the total budget together.

The title of the short film is called Mr. Treborn, and it’s going to be an all out gore fest. Hopefully it will make your stomach flip like it’s doing to me as I draw the storyboards and get the script the way I like it.

Anyways, there are some new comedy skits coming your way. One is about a bear that we must fight, and the other is about a fungus that is capable of biting people. One of which was actually directed by Nick Killion.

-Matthew Castro

MuffinsAreSex Has Decided Not To Join The 2 Days Later Competition For Now

27 07 2009

We’ve decided not to join the two days later competition to instead give us a chance to raise more money and spend more time on our project that we’re going to use to raise more money for our next short which we hope to turn into a feature.

Newest Videos: Sorry That I Didn’t Upload Them Here

24 07 2009

Here are our newest videos.

poker night.

crying baby.

follow us on twitter if you’re not doing so already. i’m currently working on the storyboard for the competition. my schedule is really full right now, but i’m trying to keep up with everything.

2 Days Short Film Update: The Main Character’s Clothing

9 07 2009

The other day me, Jesus, and Nick went out to go check out what the main character for our short film should wear, and picked out this outfit:

Is that a hammer on the side? Yes. Is it an allusion/foreshadow? Yes.

Is that a Tom and Jerry Blanket? Yes. Is that just my bedding decor? Yes.

Midnight Shorts: the Evil Toilet

20 06 2009

Check out the new video to start off the MuffinsAreSex series: Midnight Shorts!

Watch every Friday at midnight as Matt showcases hilarious late night b-movie horror shorts shot in 24 hours or less.

Want us to feature your films? Submit a horror short shot & edited in 24 hours or less at our website and show us what you got! Go to and send us your entry! We’ll make sure to feature you guys in our next film!

Me and Jesus Collaborated

16 06 2009

Over the weekend I was able to talk to a good friend of mine named Jesus Barbera, and as some of you might know, he’s helping us out on our short film competition. Thanks to all of his help, MuffinsAreSex finally has a storyline to use for the shortfilm competition.

I can’t tell you what the plot is right now because the team has to talk it over with eachother on wednesday, but I just want you guys to know that it’s completely over-the-top entertainment!

I’m thinking about shooting the video on Hi8 instead on miniDv to get a more grainy and darker look for this feature.

This is going to be super-mega epic! On Wednesday we’re going to be talking about the storyline and start getting the script together.

That’s all for now! I gotta take care of my puppy!
